21C2印象· 印象21C2

阅读次数: 3621 来源: 21C2班 发布时间: 2021-10-09 09:02:17


如何因时施教,因事施教,因材施教?来自合肥工业大学教学点的孙超平老师可谓独具匠心。2021年9月25日,我们21C2班商务英语第二次线下教学,孙老师结合费德勒的权变模型(Fiedler contingency model),引入了LPC调查问卷(Least Preferred Co-worker Questionnaire),要求我们回想一下在线上赌博平台(学习)中最难共事的一个同事(同学),请用下面16组形容词来描述他(她),在认为最能准确地描述他(她)的等级上打勾,不要空下任何一组形容词。

如果以相对积极的词汇描述最不喜欢同事或同学(LPC得分高),则作答者很乐于与同事形成良好的人际关系(concern for people),就是关系取向型(Relationship oriented)。相反,如果对最不喜欢同事或同学看法很消极,则说明作答者可能更关注生产(concern for production),就称为任务取向型(task oriented),LPC>64为关系导向型;LPC<57为任务导向型 = 1 \* GB3

为了让每个同学留下更深刻的印像,孙老师结合LPC问卷中的英语形容词和领导特质让我们以句型“Where there is A,there is B”进行自我介绍。根据个人特质和自己所从事的职业,给出符合自己的词汇特征,逐一上台发言。最难的是,英语词汇不能重复。先发言的有优势,后发言的只好问“度娘”。例如陈昶吉、王玉同学想了很多,结果都被前面的同学说过了,台上词穷言尽,可孙老师还“不放过”对其幽默风趣的调侃,引导他俩,给予思路,直到说出为止。一时间大家思绪泉涌,不知不觉融入了浓厚的学习气氛。一起看看我们的精句吧!

Where there is 陈小妮,there is power.

Where there is 汪元春,there is wealthy.

Where there is 倪莉莉,there is lovely.

Where there is 李怀文,there is persistence.

Where there is 倪爱杰,there is warm-hearted.

Where there is 周静,there is helpful.

Where there is 杜凌锋,there is media.

Where there is 刘红生,there is safety.

Where there is 严浩,there is environmental protection.

Where there is 洪东升,there is hopeful.

Where there is 胡新生,there is responsibility.

Where there is茆鼎,there is confidence.

Where there is 汪秀玲,there is honesty and integrity.

Where there is 夏俊,there is handsome.

Where there is 张兵,there are sports.

Where there is 王逊超, there is energy.

Where there is金朋望, there is smile.

Where there is王娟娟,there is design.

Where there is 章侃,there is decoration.

Where there is 沈小力,there is cigarette.

Where there is黄经纬,there is discount.

Where there is 陈波,there is efficiency.

Where there is 黄琳,there is security.

Where there is贺艳红,there is money.

Where there is张德伍,there is incredible.

Where there is 赵玉香,there is running.

Where there is 李姗姗,there is innovation.

Where there is 胡永威,there is delicious food.

Where there is 李剑,there is reliable.

Where there is 李焕,there is confidence.

Where there is 倪君衡,there is cool.

Where there is 徐菲,there is frank.

Where there is 陈昶吉,there is humor.

Where there is 王文娟,there is dawn.

Where there is 王玉,there is optimistic.

Where there is 金阳,there is self-discipline.

Where there is 林亦平,there is consultation.

Where there is 李厚林, there is kind-hearted.

Where there is 李淑萍,there is water use.

Where there is 张帮华,there is football.

Where there is 王伟,there is brave.

Where there is 吴鹏,there is healthy.

Where there is 姚瑶,there is starlight.

Where there is 胡文颜,there is cooperation.

Where there is 杨雪,there is elegant.

Where there is 吴辉,there is sunshine.

Where there is 葛云,there is cloud.

Where there is 龚莞容,there is compassionate.

Where there is 姜明海,there is assistance.

Where there is 高刚,there is good luck.

Where there is 李方平,there is easy-going.


谢谢Mr. SUN的精心备课,匠心授课!我们不仅在学习英语中习得了管理知识,而且在探索管理理论中学习了英语词汇。更重要的是,我们把商务英语与开学破冰有机地结合起来了,增添了学习的趣味性和知识性。在日常生活和日常管理中去构建英语知识学习,思考MBA管理背后中的人、事、物的本质,这是Mr. SUN授课带给我们的启示。


备注 = 1 \* GB3 费德勒认为,领导绩效取决与领导风格和领导情境的匹配。为了测评领导风格究竟是关系导向的还是任务导向的,他设计了LPC问卷,问卷由16组对应的形容词构成,按1-8等级进行评估。

备注 = 2 \* GB3 领导特质论认为,卓有成效的领导具备以下8项特质:进取心(drive); 强烈的领导欲望(desire to lead);自信心(self-confidence); 诚实守信(honesty and integrity); 智力超群(intelligence); 业务过硬(job-relevant knowledge);性格外向(extraversion);知廉知耻(proness to guilt)。当然,要想成为卓有成效的领导者,仅有特质还是不够的(Traits alone are not sufficient for identifying effective leaders.),还需要考虑上下级关系和情境因素(the interactions of leaders and their group members as well as situational factors)。



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